Mellow Expeditions

This week’s Mellow Expeditions feature comes from @go.outside.moore . After chatting with Kian from @allterrain95 and Liam aka @sadbreh , he decided to meet up with the guys and go for a wander around Dove stones Reservoir. Here’s what he had to say about it.. We...
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This week’s Mellow Expeditions feature comes from @j0styy who recently walked the Kinder Scout Circular Walk - Here’s what he had to say about it. I chose to walk over to Jacobs Ladder and go up that way, it’s a pretty steep...
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Our new series Mellow Expeditions, where we see what you guys have been up to. Our first feature is from @allterrain95 who talked us through the “The Old Man of Coniston”. Here’s what they had to say about it. Up...
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This week’s feature comes from @jackgorham1 who talks us through one of his most recent climbs down in Cornwall. Himself and 2 of his friends covered multi pitch trad routes both at Bosigran and Lands End. Here’s what he had...
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