Mellow Expeditions - @elliottkingg pt.2

Our first, second time feature! We’ve left the peaks for the streets for this one as @elliottkingg talks us through his London marathon experience. A big congrats to Elliot and also to everyone else who took part.
London marathon 3:36:31, I am so full of love and happiness right now!! What a crazy experience.
2 years running and I could only imagine doing a marathon, to make my parents proud. Little did I know I was going to do it so soon. London has always been a bucket list thing for me to do, so when I got the opportunity to run I couldn’t say no.
I started my training by just following my regular 100k plan, running 3 times a week. A few short runs and a biggen on the weekends. As the time got closer i started pushing and putting some 18/20 milers in the mix. I’ve always felt so strong and confident doing these long runs but London wasn’t the same.
My first 15 miles were a breeze weaving in out of the crowd, screaming to my friends and family, whilst taking in all the London landmarks. Running over tower bridge at the half way point was the craziest running high I’ve ever had.
But the last 11 were tough, my legs felt wobbly i had pains and cramps I’ve never felt before. There were so many points I could have given up and called it. But when I hit the 20th mile I sorted it out and pulled through after all this was now just a loop round the town in the scheme of things. The last 6 miles for me was all about mental strength my physical strength had gone and my head had to do the running.
I wouldn’t have changed my experience for anything I’ve felt the full force of running and I’m so eager for some more.
Now we rest, eat and plot the next event!!
Once again a big thank you to everyone who’s supported me through this wild journey, and to those who watched me on the day, i couldn’t thank you enough!! But most importantly a big congratulations to my mum finishing a few hours after me, seeing us both cross the finish line together is something I will never forget.