Mellow Expeditions - @go.outside.moore

This week’s Mellow Expeditions feature comes from @go.outside.moore . After chatting with Kian from @allterrain95 and Liam aka @sadbreh , he decided to meet up with the guys and go for a wander around Dove stones Reservoir. Here’s what he had to say about it..
We set off up what we thought was the right valley towards dovestones edge. Once reaching the top of valley and seeing chew reservoir in front of us we knew we had gone the wrong way. After chatting with a local he informed us that as long as we kept the ridge line to our left we would eventually reach dovestones edge.
After a lengthy walk across the top of the moor stopping for photo and parkour opportunities we made it to dovestones edge and the trinicle. The trinicle didn't look like much as we walked up to to it but once your around the corner and look down the valley its a beautiful spot.
We set off back down the Moor side aiming for the waterfall. This was probably my favourite park of the hike as the path narrows and follows a river at the bottom of a steep valley towards the reservoir. The path was covered by big boulders which required a few river crossings adding to the fun.
Overall the walk took around 6 hours and was a quality day out with everything you want from a walk. From getting lost and having to find your way, beautiful weather and views all the way round and quality company.